Friday, December 15, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (No Spoilers)

Decent movie, but I didn't like it quite as much as The Force Awakens.  I would probably rate it 7 out of 10 stars.  Enjoyable but flawed, and not as rewatchable as some of the others in the series.

It had tons of great action scenes and beautiful visuals.  However... It was too long, parts of it felt uneven or badly edited, some of the humor felt out of place, and some of the contrivances were just a little too silly.  Still, once again I'm (naively) surprised at how viciously some moviegoers are tearing it apart. It's not perfect, but it's not nearly as bad as so-called "Star Wars fans" are making it out to be.

Right this second, it has a Metacritic score of 86, and a RottenTomatoes score of 93%.  Not bad.  However, the RottenTomatoes audience score is at 56%, and the Metacrtic users are averaging 5.1 (out of 10).  I glanced through the Metacritic reviews, and many of the users are actually giving it zeroes.  I saw multiple reviews that called it the worst Star Wars movie ever. 

I repeat, "the worst Star Wars movie ever".  Look, I'm a prequel apologist.  I gave the prequels higher marks than just about anybody on the internet.  But even I have to admit that The Phantom Menace isn't particularly good.  Do people really think The Last Jedi is worse?

Nope, uh-uh, no way.  Any reviewer who actually thinks TLJ is worse than TPM clearly isn't worth listening to.  If a Last Jedi review starts out with "worst Star Wars movie ever", you can safely skip to the next review.  These people are not worth your time.

Back in 2009 I wrote a blog about "All-Or-Nothing People." To sum up, too many people lack the emotional nuance to give anything a "medium" score.  Everything is pass/fail, and every movie either rocks or sucks. And here we see the phenomenon again, in all its glory.  The Last Jedi is an average Star Wars movie, maybe a little above average, and anyone who gives it a zero is an obvious AON person.

I don't know why I feel the need to defend a movie I didn't particularly love.  It's going to make billions of dollars regardless of how it's received, so I'm not worried about it bombing and leaving us with an incomplete trilogy.  I guess I just want people to dislike things for the right reasons.

Wil Wheaton posted a pretty good (also spoiler free) review here.  He liked it more than I did, and I agree with his reasons why.  His bullet points are spot-on, and any specifics I give on the movie would just be a cheap copy of his list.

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