Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Spider-Fan, Spider-Fan, Does Whatever A Spider-Fan Does...

Just a minor observation.  Back in January rumors started about a live action Spider-Verse movie.  Somebody photoshopped a cool picture of all three Peter Parkers together, and the internet went wild over it.  I saw the pic retweeted all over Twitter, along with enthusiastic tweeters shouting, "Make this happen!"

A couple of days ago they* announced that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield had been signed on along with Tom Holland for the next Spider-Man movie, and from what I've seen, reaction has been mixed.  Seriously, some of the same goddamn people who said "Make this happen" nine months ago are now grumbling, "This again?  Are they out of ideas?  We've already seen Spider-Verse!"

Why are fans so fickle?

* Edit - "They" meaning internet rumor mills.  Sony has not yet confirmed the news, and is being sort of dodgy about the question.  Personally, if it does happen, I don't think "Spider-Verse" is what they'll be going for.  Garfield and Maguire will probably just be cameos.  I'm picturing something more along the lines of the Arrowverse's Crisis Crossover, with lots of world hopping, but not spending much time in most worlds.

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