Sunday, April 14, 2019



Shazam! doesn't take itself too seriously.  It feels like an 80s super hero movie with modern special effects.  The main reason to see this one is for its humor, which is great in some places, but falls flat in others. 

It is a kid's movie.  In fact, I was surprised by two or three scenes I felt were too much for younger children.  It was so close to being a perfect family film, that I'm not sure why they crossed that line.  I'm usually not one for censorship, but there were a couple of scary scenes and curse words that could have been toned down without the movie suffering at all.

When "Transformers: The Movie" came out in the 80s, they threw in a couple of superfluous curse words just to make sure it got a PG rating.  They wanted to make sure kids brought their parents so they could point out the toys they wanted.  I'd almost think the same thing happened in Shazam!, but do people still drop their little kids off at the theater any more?

The craziest thing is that out of all the modern DC movies, this silly movie has the best villain.  It's a low bar, sure, but Dr. Sivana was much better than the most recent Lex Luthor, Doomsday, Steppenwolf, Ares, Incubus, or any of the villains in Aquaman.  Sivana had a deeper backstory, better acting, and a pretty cool look.  It's amazing they wasted him on such a shallow movie.

The pacing of the movie felt a little off.  It felt like the climax started halfway through, and then the finale went on and on forever.  It was still exciting and funny, but it just felt like an unusually long final fight.

Overall, it's a decent film, I'm just not sure who the target audience is.  I'm glad I saw it, but I don't think I'll ever watch it again.

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