Saturday, February 02, 2019

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

"The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit" is a free game set in the "Life is Strange" universe.  It stars Chris Eriksen, an imaginative boy who envisions himself as a super hero.  He lives with his father in Beaver Creek, Oregon.

Chris sees everything as it relates to his super hero character.  The water heater is an evil monster, the family truck is a spaceship, and so on.  Most of the time you see the tricks Chris uses to emulate his pretend powers, like holding a remote in one hand while pretending to turn the TV with his mind.  Other times, the game full on shows you the made-up worlds he's imagining.  It's great fun, reminiscent of "Spaceman Spiff" in Calvin & Hobbes. 

But of course, being LiS, there is an undercurrent of sadness.  His fanciful adventures help him cope with the loss of his mother, and the stress of living with his alcoholic father.  Of course the father is grieving too, but he has a tendency to take his anger out on his son.  It's up to you whether you walk on eggshells around him, or really get on his nerves.  Either way, you'll still see evidence of his dark side eventually.

I thought it was interesting that the late mother went to Blackwell Academy, despite this being set in a different town than Life is Strange.  I wonder if this was just a nod to the previous games, or if there's a deeper connection.  She was hit by a car, which the police are calling a homicide, but they've given up trying to solve the case.  There's also a hint that she might have taken Mark Jefferson's photography class.  Could she have been another victim of the first game's Dark Room, and later killed to tie up loose ends?  Will her murder be given another look in a future game?

It also features several references to Hawt Dawg Man, who is rapidly becoming the official mascot of the LiS universe.

It's a short game.  It took me about 2 hours, and I made sure to inspect and interact with everything.  It's well worth your time, even if you haven't played the other games in the series.  I don't believe it spoils anything from the previous games. 

Some screenshots:

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