Sunday, July 16, 2006

Evil Dead 2 at the Belcourt Theater

Okay, so I've seen Evil Dead 2 more than enough times, and it's probably my favorite campy horror film. But last night I got to see it the way it should be seen: On a theater screen full of geeks, all laughing and making fun of it. At the Belcourt Theater in downtown Nashville, they have late showings of cult classics. This was my first visit, but I plan to go back many, many times in the future. People dressed up, people talked back to the screen... It's almost like Rocky Horror, only with a different movie each week.

If you haven't seen Evil Dead 2, I'm not going to waste my time explaining the "plot", only to say that it's one of the funniest, silliest, over-the-top low-budget horror movies ever made. It's one of those movies you are expected to have seen if you want to be considered hip on cult film. And therefore, if you haven't seen it before, you aren't likely to now either, you heathen. Just go back to your non-creative, uninspired life, and watch whichever insipid drama you find the least exciting; after all, excessive smiling causes wrinkles.

Besides, the purpose of this blog entry is not to praise the movie - it doesn't need my help. The theater is the real star. Those of you who live around here: if you're one of "my" crowd - the sci-fi/horror buffs who can quote hundreds of movie lines, the outcasts who didn't date much in high school yet had twice as much fun as popular kids, the collectors who display Star Wars toys the way some people display fine china, then this theater was made for you.

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