Eh, I thought it was ok.
I kept thinking it reminded me of the Burton/Shumacher Batman movies. In both cases, the third movie in the series changed the tone drastically. In both "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Batman Forever", this lighter/flashier tone worked pretty well. So for the fourth movie in each series, they leaned too far into the new tone.
I loved Ragnarok. It's one of my top five favorite MCU movies. I loved how nuts it was, and the humor was great. But Love & Thunder leans into the stupid just a little too much.
Highlights: Great visuals. Sweet soundtrack. Fun action scenes. Jane Foster's Thor is pretty cool, and I love the new moves she does with the hammer. The villain was so perfect, so well-acted, so creepy, that frankly, he was too good for this movie.
Lowlights: A lot of the humor falls flat. The plot isn't very cohesive. The editing feels off.
Bottom line: It's just... ok. I had fun, but I wish it had been better. I'll give it another shot when it comes to Disney+.